Sunday, 4 May 2014

Birthday Bike and Bunting

My gorgeous hubbie promised me a Dawes bike for my birthday back in March but I had set my heart on this particular grey/powder blue version of the Duchess model which apparently hadn't even been made yet for general sale,  so I had to order it and wait..... finally arrived yesterday so I was dropped off at the bike shop 4 miles away and peddled my way home in the glorious sunshine, sporting my Hi-Vis crocheted jacket, of course. Safety first. 

Can't imagine why my 14 year old pro-cyclist son who was accompanying  babysitting me threatened to leave me stranded if I put it on...
I think it went rather well actually; I changed gears and everything. 

Anyway, once home I had only one thing on my hooky mind...BIKE BUNTING!
So I opened a bottle of red, grabbed my hook, logged on to Lucy's blog to use her triangle bunting pattern and hey ho within the hour...ta dah! 

I thought that little HexOwl deserved a spin in the sun although she slept through the whole thing it has to be said. How rude.

Watch this space for more bike bombing...

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